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FEBRUARY 19, 2025
Seniors at Argo Community High School taking forensic science used bananas to explore how to determine the cause, manner, and mechanism of death. Teacher Kiera Vizza-Milligan says even though these googly-eyed specimens look jovial, it’s a serious course. Students have already visited a cadaver lab, and they will soon view a forensic autopsy performed by Saint Louis University.
Dear Colleagues:
I feel compelled to address the recent “Dear Colleague” letter issued by the U.S. Department of Education regarding discrimination on the basis of race, color, or national origin, as well as address several other topics facing schools related to policy shifts at the federal level.
Illinois law prohibits discrimination based on specific "protected classes," which include, but are not limited to, race, color, religion, sex, national origin, ancestry, age (40 and over), sexual orientation, gender identity, disability, pregnancy, arrest record, citizenship status, and military status. Illinois school districts are bound to follow this law, and your board policies should affirm the same.
I must emphasize, the “Dear Colleague” letter states it “does not have the force and effect of law and does not bind the public or create new legal standards.” (See footnote 3 on page 1.)
I also want to remind you of the guidance ISBE issued that reaffirms that all students are entitled to equal access to a basic public elementary and secondary education, regardless of their actual or perceived immigration status, or the status of their parents/guardians – a standard upheld by the U.S. Supreme Court in Plyler v. Doe, even in instances when a student may be undocumented.
As a local school district leader, I would routinely ask, “Who among us does not want to see their culture uplifted in our curriculum?” This is why Illinois lawmakers over the past 50 years have added instructional mandates that ensure our students are learning about the contributions of all races and cultures to our country. Black history is American history. The study of events related to the forceful removal and illegal deportation of Mexican-American U.S. citizens during the Great Depression is American history. The study of the role and contributions of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people is American history.
In other words, in Illinois, we strive to affirm, uplift, and support all our students and their families. Nothing in any executive order or “Dear Colleague” letter should change that.
Amidst all the news this week, I also want to uplift our recently announced Those Who Excel awardees and 2025 Teacher of the Year Cohort – a group of truly exceptional leaders. Now, more than ever, is the time to show appreciation to our teachers, administrators, and staff for everything they do.
All my best,
Dr. Tony Sanders
State Superintendent of Education
Please note this is not a complete list of events, meetings, and deadlines. Visit the ISBE Weekly Message Dates & Deadlines webpage for the complete list.
Feb. 19 | 5 p.m.: Deadline to apply for spring 2025 RSSI REACH Communities of Practice
Feb. 20 | 8:30 a.m.-noon: School Finance Workshop (ROE 13, Centralia)
Feb. 25: 2025 Success Network Conference
Feb. 25 | 2-3 p.m.: Webinar: My Data Dashboard – Welcoming and Empowering District & School Administrators now including KIDS data
Feb. 26 | 9 a.m.-3 p.m.: School Finance Workshop (ROE 21, Marion)
Feb. 28-March 1: Illinois Teacher Leadership Summit
March 1: Deadline to report the intent to move to from half-day kindergarten to full-day kindergarten for the 2025-26 school year
March 4: ACCESS testing window closes
March 5: McKinney-Vento Conference
March 5 | 12:30-2:30p.m.: School Finance Workshop (ROE 8, Freeport)
March 6 | 9:30 a.m.-3 p.m.: School Finance Workshop (ROE 19, DuPage)
March 10 | 1-3 p.m.: Assessment & Accountability Redesign Listening Tour (Parkland Community College, Champaign)
March 12 | 9 a.m.-3 p.m.: School Finance Workshop (West 40 ISC 2, Maywood)
March 13 | 10 a.m.: Illinois Comprehensive Literacy Plan Capacity Builders Webinar Series Session 6: Key Literacy Strategies and Concepts
March 13: Deadline to submit public comment on ISBE’s Tydings Waiver Request
March 13: Deadline to submit feedback on the Full-Day Kindergarten Task Force Final Report
March 15: Deadline to submit ISBE Career Connections Conference Exhibitor Interest Form
March 18 | 9 a.m.-3 p.m.: School Finance Workshop (ROE 20, Carmi)
March 19: IWAS to MyISBE Listening Tour (Vandalia)
March 21 | 1-3 p.m.: Assessment & Accountability Redesign Listening Tour (Hall High School District 502, Spring Valley)
March 26 | 1-3 p.m.: IWAS to MyISBE Listening Tour (Rantoul)
See More Dates & Deadlines
ISBE Announces 2025 Illinois Teacher of the Year Finalists
We have announced the 13 finalists for 2025 Illinois Teacher of the Year and honored more than 500 educators, administrators, and other school staff through the Those Who Excel & Teacher of the Year Awards. The annual Teacher of the Year program honors incredible classroom educators who have made lasting impacts on the students, families, and fellow educators in their school communities. See the full list of awardees.
“Illinois educators are changing lives every single day, and today we celebrate the very best among them,” said State Superintendent of Education Dr. Tony Sanders. “Our 2025 Those Who Excel awardees and Teacher of the Year Cohort exemplify excellence in teaching and leadership, ensuring their students feel supported, included, and inspired. I extend my heartfelt congratulations to all the 2025 Those Who Excel Awardees and Teacher of the Year finalists.”
We will showcase several finalists in the Weekly Message each week leading up to the announcement of the 2025 Illinois Teacher of the Year in April. Congratulations to all this year’s extraordinary awardees!
ISBE Expands Access, Releases KIDS Data in My Data Dashboard
ISBE has expanded access to My Data Dashboard (MDD) to thousands of new users statewide and, in addition, has released Kindergarten Individual Development Survey (KIDS) data to districts through MDD for the first time! Learn more about MDD and these new enhancements at a webinar from 2-3 p.m. Feb. 25. Register now!
On MDD, you will find that each screen provides extensive information not previously available from ISBE systems:
- Augmentation of the Report Card summative visualizations to include data tables allowing users to view summative data by student group and indicator type.
- Robust filtration and the ability to switch between the indicator and weighted index calculations.
- Dynamic distribution charts that show the school’s performance plotted against the distribution of scores statewide for each student group and indicator and for both weighted index and indicator scores.
- Screens supporting a variety of academic and programmatic performance indicators for your school/district.
- Complete student rosters, allowing for quick and flexible analysis of student group performance, dependent on the availability of active students within the district/school for a particular metric. Rosters include the ability to sort and filter based on summative indicator performance.
You can access the tool via the secure sign-in available through the MyIRC portal. (Click “Login” at the top right corner of the Illinois Report Card website.)
Find additional My Data Dashboard resources, such as a quick-start user guide, by visiting the ISBE My Data Dashboard webpage.
FACE to FACE with the State Hosts the Latino Policy Forum
ISBE’s Family and Community Engagement (FACE) Department welcomes school-based, family-facing professionals to monthly networking meetings called FACE to FACE with the State. This month, Nina Sedeño, the senior immigration policy analyst for the Latino Policy Forum, will join us to discuss how we can support our immigrant student populations and share valuable resources. The meeting will be held virtually through Teams at 9:30 a.m. on Feb. 21. Use meeting ID: 213 227 310 512 and passcode: R25mZ7Mh. Please fill out a survey to join the FACE to FACE with the State network and receive future invitations.
ISBE Seeks Public Comment on Tydings Waiver Request
The Illinois State Board of Education intends to request a waiver of Section 421(b) of the General Education Provisions Act, also known as the “Tydings Amendment," in order to obligate Title I, Part A, Section 1003 federal fiscal year (FFY) 2023 funds through Sept. 30, 2026.
Approval of the waiver will ensure the continuity of school improvement initiatives, enhance student achievement, provide time for the implementation of evidence-based school improvement strategies, and afford ISBE the opportunity to expand services offered by the statewide system of technical assistance and support.
As required by Section 8401(b) of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, the state must provide the public and Local Education Agencies with notice and a reasonable opportunity to comment and provide input on a proposed waiver request. This is an invitation for the public to provide feedback on the proposed waiver request. Please submit your comment via email to by March 13. Copies of all public comments received will be included as part of the waiver request submission.
If you have any questions regarding the proposed waiver request, please contact Dr. Nikki Combs, director of the ISBE School/District Improvement Department, at
Bullying and Harassment Data Collection
The Wellness and Student Care Department is developing a FAQ for the new data collections created by Public Act 103-0047 and the Racism-Free Schools Law. Our preliminary guidance and data template can be found on ISBE’s Bullying Prevention webpage. We would like to hear from you! If you have any questions about this data collection, please send them to
PSCFA Report Saves CUSD 3 Fulton County Over $20,000
CUSD 3 Fulton County is saving an estimated $23,480 in combined annual savings after an Illinois Public School Carbon-Free Assessment (PSCFA) report uncovered potential improvements in the district's HVAC scheduling. A PSCFA report is provided at no cost to ComEd and Ameren Illinois customers. The report provides in-depth analysis in six key areas to help school districts reach the statewide goal of carbon-free energy usage by 2030. Visit ISBE’s PSCFA webpage to request your free assessment.
Financial Aid Application Completion Initiative
The 2025-26 Financial Aid Application Completion Initiative functionality is now available in the ISAC Gift Assistance Programs (GAP) Access portal.
ISAC's Financial Aid Application Completion Initiative is available to public and private high schools to help identify students who have completed a financial aid application, as well as those who have opted to complete the Nonparticipation Form. Completion data is available every day in GAP Access. Operational details are provided in the Financial Aid Application Completion Initiative – Access and Agreement User Guide. Read the full e-Message sent by ISAC to partners, including information for private schools interested in participating.
Upcoming Professional Development and PaCE Trainings
Please share with your staff and colleagues and join ISAC this spring for these free webinar offerings. Professional development and continuing education hours will be available.
Illinois PaCE Updates & Q&A: 11-11:45 a.m. March 4 – This webinar will cover updates to legislation regarding implementation of the Illinois PaCE Framework in schools, as well as resources available to schools and districts to support their college and career readiness efforts with the Illinois PaCE Framework.
FAFSA Q&A: 11-11:45 a.m. March 18 – This webinar will cover the latest updates on the 2025-26 FAFSA and any open issues with possible workarounds. Attendees will have the opportunity to have questions answered live from ISAC's professional development team.
Spring to Action: Increasing FAFSA Completion: 11-11:45 a.m. April 15 – This call-to-action webinar will cover how ISAC can support your students and families with free year-round assistance. Learn more about the latest updates to the FAFSA, best practices for navigating financial aid completion, and FAFSA corrections and verification processes.
Supporting Students Transition to College: 11-11:45 a.m. May 6 – This webinar addresses the impact of “summer melt.” As the academic year concludes, many students face a critical juncture -- the transition from high school to college. However, this transition period, often referred to as "summer melt," presents numerous challenges that can hinder students' enrollment in higher education institutions. Join this webinar to explore effective strategies for supporting students through this delicate phase.
For more information and registration, visit ISAC’s Professional Development Offerings webpage. Contact for PaCE trainings questions. Contact for all other questions.
Financial Aid Application Help for Students
ISACorps™ members are available to assist students and their families with their 2025-26 FAFSA or Alternative Application for Illinois Financial Aid (Alternative Application). ISACorps™ members can:
Provide financial aid presentations and application completion workshops. You can schedule a presentation or workshop by completing an Outreach Request Form.
Meet virtually with students. Students can book a virtual one-on-one meeting with an ISACorps™ staff member up to 7 days in advance, and there's an option to meet with a Spanish-speaking ISACorps™ member if they prefer. Please share this link with your students and colleagues in your network and community.
Illinois Launches New Children's Mental Health Portal
Governor JB Pritzker and the Illinois Children’s Behavioral Health Transformation Initiative (CBHTI) recently announced the public launch of the BEACON (Behavioral Health Care and Ongoing Navigation) care portal, a centralized resource for Illinois youth and families seeking youth mental health services and care, including state agency support and community-based programs.
That means parents and caregivers across the state now have access to the BEACON portal, a single place where they can learn which community-based resources are available nearby and which state-funded programs youth may be eligible for.
These programs might include outpatient counseling, school-based services, wraparound services to help support families caring for youth with complex needs, or residential treatment services. BEACON also provides assistance in organizing information about a child's care and connecting families with the services, including communication with state agency representatives.
The portal is available in eight languages: English, Arabic, Hindi, Polish, Simplified Chinese, Spanish, Tagalog, and Ukrainian. A number of resources are available to help spread the word about this valuable tool:
Register for the ISBE School Wellness Conference
The ISBE School Wellness Conference is set for April 7-9 at the Bloomington-Normal Marriott Hotel & Conference Center. The conference will feature pre-conference workshops on April 7, inspirational keynote speakers, evening entertainment, and more! The theme is “Thriving Together: Comprehensive School Wellness Solutions." The conference is sponsored by ISBE, the Illinois Association of Regional Superintendents of Schools, and Social-Emotional Learning Hubs. Visit the Conference webpage for more information and to register.
Save the Date for the Special Education Directors Conference
Mark your calendar for the 2025 ISBE and Illinois Special Education Leadership Academy Special Education Directors Conference June 9-10 at the Bloomington-Normal Marriott Hotel & Conference Center in Normal. Contact if you have questions.
Student Recognition
U.S. Presidential Scholars Announced
Congratulations to the 152 Illinois students that were selected as candidates for the U.S. Presidential Scholars Program by the White House Commission on Presidential Scholars and the U.S. Department of Education. A letter of invitation and application instructions have been sent directly to each candidate. Additionally, informational letters have been sent to appropriate school principals and guidance counselors, who must submit a Secondary School Report as part of each student’s application. If one of your students has been selected as a candidate, please consider assisting them in completing their application to this prestigious program. If you have questions or require technical assistance, please contact or 507-931-8345.
Educator Opportunities
2025 EmpowerED Conference
The Specific Learning Disability Support Project (SLDSP) third annual EmpowerED Conference is March 18-19 at the Crowne Plaza in Springfield. Session strands will include reading and dyslexia, writing and dysgraphia, math and dyscalculia, instructional strategies, development of Individualized Education Programs, developmental language disorder, executive function, diverse populations, and multilingual learners. Additionally, a special session strand will be offered for caregivers of students with specific learning disabilities.
Don't miss this invaluable opportunity to expand your professional network and deepen your understanding of how to support the needs of students with specific learning disabilities. Register for the annual EmpowerED Conference.
Case Method Institute for High School Social Studies Teachers
The Case Method Institute for Education & Democracy and Harvard Professor David Moss invite high school teachers of U.S. history, civics, and government to join their next special professional development workshop from 10 a.m.-4 p.m. March 28. An online self-paced option also is available and can be started at any time. Learn more and get registration details in the informational flyer.
Ed Leaders Network
Ed Leaders Network offers free one-hour webinars throughout the year to spotlight strategies, leadership tips, and tools. Upcoming webinars include:
How to Make Incredible, Impactful, and Attention-Grabbing Presentations
3-4 p.m. March 5
Speaking and leading a presentation is a skill. Why are some great and some tough to sit through? Join Andrew Marotta for this engaging and practical session on creating amazing presentations. He will explain how to use Canva, Google Slides, props, and storytelling to improve your timing, flow, and interactive engagement, which can make your next presentation even more effective.
Student Opportunities
“Your Voice: Changing the World, One Speech at a Time” Contest
The Mobile Museum of Tolerance (MMOT), in collaboration with the Illinois Commission on Discrimination and Hate Crimes, is hosting the annual "Your Voice: Changing the World, One Speech at a Time" contest for Illinois students in Grades 6-12. This year’s contest challenges students to reflect on this powerful quote by Holocaust survivor Simon Wiesenthal: “Education is the key to breaking the cycle of hatred.”
Students are invited to write and present a three-minute speech exploring how this message connects to their lives; why it remains relevant today; and the importance of confronting hate, bigotry, and intolerance.
Please share this exciting opportunity with your students and their families. Detailed guidelines are available on the MMOT website. Essay submissions are due March 28.
Featured ISBE Career Opportunities
The Illinois State Board of Education is the State Education Agency for Illinois. Our mission is to provide each and every child with safe and healthy learning conditions, great educators, and equitable opportunities by practicing data-informed stewardship of resources and policy development, all done in partnership with educators, families, and stakeholders.
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