_ Questions? support@hbug.k12.il.us - (800) 635-5274


(click the events to register & choose date in drop-down)

5/21/24 Interpreter Data Collection in I-Star 1:30PM  Notes

5/23/24 Fund F Claims in I-Star 9:00AM Notes

5/30/24 Preparing for Personnel Snapshot in I-Star 9:00AM Notes

6/4/24 Fund F Claims in I-Star 9:30AM Notes

6/5/24 Fund E Claims in I-Star 9:30AM Notes

6/6/24 Fund X Claims in I-Star 9:30AM Notes

6/20/24 Preparing for Personnel Snapshot in I-Star 9:30AM Notes

7/9/24 Fund B Claims in I-Star 9:30AM Notes

8/1/24 Mass Change in I-Star 9:00AM 

8/6/24 Fund B Claims in I-Star 9:30AM Notes

8/15/24 Mass Change in I-Star 9:00AM 

8/22/24 I-Star New User 9:30AM 

8/29/24 LEA List Maintenance 9:30AM 
